15 November, 2022

Autumn Maintenance Tips

With winter fast approaching and leaves falling, it is a beautiful but often untidy time in the garden and our time is more likely to be spent tidying up and putting things away until the spring. 

Here at JML Garden Rooms we have a few tips below to help with the care and protection of your Garden Rooms too.

Leaves – as autumn progresses and leaves continue to fall, they can clog up gutters and downpipes and accumulate around the bottom of your Garden Room. We highly recommend checking or clearing the gutters regularly until all the leaves have fallen, and raking them away from around the building.

Decks – no matter what type of decking you have, a regular check on any build-up of algae is worthwhile and a good clean and/or brush recommended.

Storage – with garden furniture and toys being put aside for the winter, space can be at a premium. We recommend you avoid stacking items against the Garden Room as this prevents circulation of air and can encourage a build-up of algae.

Ventilation – with colder weather drawing in it’s tempting to shut everything up tight; we recommend you continue to utilise window vents as much as possible to ensure a quality of air to help you and the building breathe.

JML Garden Rooms are to be enjoyed and used all year round and we hope you enjoy the warm and comfortable environment you have, no matter what you use yours for.


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